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Sunday, 8 January 2012

Final Film!

I have finished the Digital Skills 01 film. The final running time is exactly 40 seconds which runs through realatively nicely.

Although the film is complete, there is still much more polishing and finishing up needed for the portfolio etc.

I believe the film has been reasonably successful. This is the first time I have ever used After Effects, I have pushed the boundaries and experimented with different techniques and presets. This project has enabled me to think outside the box both technically and creatively. It has enabled me to research and learn both the basics and advanced techniques within After Effects.
 The whole process has been a really enjoyable experience as I have enjoyed thinking creatively about the production and usage of After Effects, Premiere Pro and Encore. The use of lighting, 3D space and camera positioning was paramount for the success of this film. Without reading and learning about all the hidden tools within After Effects this would not have been possible. For example, if this film had no 3D space or depth of field the results would have been much less realistic and unprofessional. Likewise without specific lighting and colour correction the whole movie would have no atmosphere or realism.

I think the first half of the film has to be the most successful. I am really pleased how Croydon has come to life. The lorry and the bus work really well as they really portray the speed and rush of an urbanised area.

The rotsoscoped smoke has really shown the polluted state of any modern day town/city. This exaggerated smoke really helps tell the story, as it can be these little things that make all the difference.

The forest works relatively well, with its bright vivid colours, though, looking back some of the 3D layers have not worked as well and fluently as Croydon. The autumnal stage also is much too quick.

Overall, I am pleased with my efforts, though by no means perfect  I am just glad its finished!
The DVD's have been burnt, all set for Wednesday deadline!!!!!

Back to finishing Animation Principles now!