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Friday 2 December 2011

Scene 01 - Initial Walk Cycle

I have now added the Zoe walk cycle puppet onto my earlier composition of Croydon. The scene seems to be working well as Zoe walks from right to left.

I'm not amazingly pleased with the walk cycle, I found it really tough manipulating the individual layers whilst parenting/rotating etc.. However, I feel the whole overall effect of this scene is looking good - not perfect but a good start. I feel the puppet needs more of a head bounce.

Thankfully this is the only walk cycle I have to animate for this film, the rest is framed from the waist up. Due to time ticking by and Christmas fast approaching, I will get on with the next scenes. I'm sure these will test and challenge my knowledge of After Effect too - so I'm looking forward to it!

The first scene below:

I created a mask and dropped the opacity. This mask acted as a subtle shadow beneath Zoe as I parented it to the puppets motion path.

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