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Monday 17 October 2011

Film - Zoe

As part of my digital skills module for animation I have to create a 20-40 second film about 'Zoe'.
The film must convey certain facts such as her favourite colour, place etc.

All theses ideas can be linked together to form the basis of a short narrative.

The film is required to have:

A Title page,
minimum of 5 cuts,
word or phrase,
favourite pastime,

I have been busy asking Zoe various questions to help me with my research.

Firstly, I found out that she really likes foxes and that her favourite place is the woods. She likes English wildlife and woodland. She also likes the full moon and the sound of the wind rustling through trees.

Zoe is  a huge fan of fantastic Mr Fox and The Lion King.
She lives in Croydon, which she states is very busy and urbanized! - she likes to go to the woods for peace and quiet - huge contrast between Croydon and the peaceful woods.

Also is a fan of Michael Jackson?!!

Favourite colours include purple and red - likes bluebells growing on forest floor.

Favourite number is 13.

Likes roller coasters.

These were my initial findings - time to get sketching and storyboarding!!

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