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Friday 25 November 2011

After Effect Puppet Testing

A few weeks ago we learned how to animate a 'puppet' design on After Effects.

We were provided with pre-made designs as a hierarchy of layers consisting of separate layers such as upper arm, lower arm etc.

The individuality of each layer meant that each limb could be manipulated by a means of rotation and transformation.

By parenting each layer together with 'children' several body parts could not only be manipulated separately but also together in a well structured organic motion.

We then used the puppet tool, which I had previously used (see below) as an experiment on my 'Zoe' puppet. This gave me a very floppy 'un-organic' motion which looked a bit odd!

However, this puppet tool will definitely be useful!

From this, I can see that for my animation which involves a walk cycle using layer is much more appropriate!

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