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Monday 21 November 2011


The theme of my film will be the journey Zoe takes on a regular basis.

The film begins in a busy, urbanised street of Croydon (hometown of Zoe). As she walks through the street many subliminal messages are present. e.g. on the bus an advert for fantastic Mr. fox is visible - Zoe's favourite film.
Zoe's 'favoruite phrase' will be on a huge 'billboard/poster'

The basic outline of this story is to show Zoe's love of forests and wildlife in comparison to her hometown of Croydon.
This creates a fundamental  rural/urban contrast where the unnatural 'blocky' characteristics of Croydon are contrasted to the mystical forest.

As Zoe enters the forest the mood of the film completely changes, bright lush colours form this magical place. - Peaceful and quiet. ..

As Zoe continues through the forest the colour of the film turns to orange (autumnal colours - the trees go bare as the crunching sound of leaves is heard beneath the feet of Zoe.

At the end the whole screen fades to night time where a full moon is visible forming 'Zoe' typography.

See below:

I have reviewed this storyboard to see if it meets the brief:

  • Favourite colour - orange(autumnal colours) - used in forest scene. 
  • Favourite/special place - Forest
  • Word or phrase - Yeah, yeah' visible on poster in Croydon
  • Favourite past time - Walking through forest
  • Soundtrack - Fantastic Mr.Fox soundtrack used in forest 
  • Typography - in the form of the title page at end - moon. 
  • Background with moving footage - Steam billowing out of steam tower in Croydon. 

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